The green really faded! Don't get me wrong, I like it. It's more of a sage green than the bright pea green. Unfortunately...
when I felted the first (mis-sized) pair of mocs, they did not fade as much. So now, although I've got two mocs that are the same size and they were knit out of the exact same wool, I still do not have a "matching" pair.
It makes me wonder... what will happen when I attempt a pair of socks?
And then we've got another giant hat. I bought the Lucy pattern from Little Turtle Knits*, because the hat would look absolutely adorable on Lilli. I knit a gauge swatch and made gauge and measured Lilli's head... and knit a hat that was enormous - way too big even for me to wear. So I cast on again, for the smallest size of the pattern. It was still too big for Lilli. I threw both hats in the top of my yarn closet and forgot about them. Until I started felting the mocs. Then I though - huh, wonder what will happen if I felt the biggest Lucy hat?
It lost the pretty stitch definition (obviously - I FELTED it!) but it now fits, and still looks pretty darn cute!
*Just checked Little Turtle Knits - was gonna link to it, but didn't. They no longer seem to have the Lucy pattern.
When I make it again (and I will - Lilli wants one now) I will probably go down a needle size and knit with 9s instead of 10s (guage-schmage.) And I will add the stripe sooner. And not make the hat so "tall/long."
But overall I am very happy with the end results. And Tipton LOVES it - and really, what more can a mom/knitter ask than for my son/the recipient to be thrilled with what I have made for him.
The question remains - to fringe or not to fringe?