Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Exiting Entrelac - Pictures at 11:00 (or whenever)
Danica - she is complete! That is, I have finished knitting the entrelac scarf. I have even gone so far as to weave in the ends. But I haven't blocked it yet. And I still haven't decided about the fringe. I suppose I could ask my mother-in-law, since it is to be her scarf... Hmmm.
I will take pictures tomorrow. Hopefully.
Knit Group
How was the knit group at Border's? Did you go? You said you were going to go...
The knit group we've started over here is going pretty good. So far we've met twice. Three of us the first time, four the second time. We'll meet again next week and we should have five then! One of the ladies doesn't knit but crochets, and she is making the coolest pom pom scarf! Her pom poms are so perfectly round and full. I must find out her secret. I shall bribe her with chocolate chip cookie bars.
I am almost finished with the entrelac scarf. I still have a few more repeats to go, but decided to weave in all the ends last night. It looks much better, and it didn't take me nearly as long as I thought it would. So now my question is - to fringe or not to fringe?
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Hat Theory
I emailed this to you, but wanted to stick it here so I could find it again.
I have a hat theory...
Are you knitting from a pattern?
hats are always too big if I follow what the pattern says. Don't know why, but they are.
Coronet was the only hat I've ever stuck to the pattern and it fit.
So here's what I do...
Guage = x per inch
Head = y inches
You would think that you just cast on xy right? nope.
y - 3ish inches = z
cast on xz
reason being... knitting stretches and you want a snug fit. So make it too small, on purpose.
If you're using a pattern, figure out the above and use whatever size on the pattern that calls for the stitches near to what you'd cast on.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
How soft are dreams anyway?
My neighbor (whose last name is Neighbors - no joke!) saw me knitting out in the cul de sac while I was watching the boys one afternoon. We chatted a bit, and that was all.
Well this evening she came trotting over with a box and basket of yarn. She's having a house guest coming, so was cleaning out a closet and came across some yarn. She had surgery on her hand a few years ago, and doesn't think she'll ever get back into knitting again.
Most of it is acrylic, but there is one kind that I will definitely keep simply because of this:

Yes my dear, dreams do come true.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
This could indicate a problem of some sort
Last night I was taking the info for a new order - it's someone who heard about the site from Elvira! Anyway, she picked out two yarns for her stuff and I went to hunt them down in the bins so I could swatch them out.
well... I couldn't find them. I KNEW I had them. I have at least 3 balls of each of the colors that she picked out. But I couldn't find them. So I ended up doing something else last night.
This morning I went out to check the shed, just in case. Because I realized that there was a bunch of yarn that I thought I had that wasn't in my room. And way back in the back corner (of course, it couldn't be right up front) I found a bin of yarn. A whole bin. Of yarn. In the shed.
It's been there since Thanksgiving and I never even knew that I was missing any. I either have so much yarn that I don't notice when an entire bin goes missing, or... well I don't know what else it could mean right now.
I'm going to go reorganize the stash now.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Entering Entrelac
Two of A Kind (If Not Exactly A Matching Pair)
Just to recap... I have knit this mitten pattern several times. And have yet to knit two mittens that were actually the same size and that actually fit. This time I think I've gotten the size right. I made notes on the pattern, and I was actually able to produce a second mitten of exact size!
Unfortunately, I ran out of yarn about 1/3 of the way into the second mitten. The lovely Anita from Anita's Garn & Broderi ordered some more for me, but it was not of the same dye lot. I did not let that stop me. So although the mittens are the same size, they are not exactly identical. But hey - they fit! And they are very warm.
I wear them all the time. They seem to be holding up pretty well.
Monday, January 21, 2008
I don't have that bootie pattern anymore, but this one is just like it. Just be sure to make the full term size and use a very loose bind off.
loose bind off: Knit 2 and then put them back on your left needle. Then knit 2 together. Then knit one more, put the 2 stitches on your left needle, k2tog. etc. Clear as mud?
Home again

I started on another Coronet for my friend Tara, but didn't get too far. Something about knitting in the car when it's foggy and rainy made my stomach not love me. So I had to put it aside.
I did finish the striped pants for Chelle

Today, instead of unpacking or going to the grocery store to feed my kids I knitted a hat.
Hey, at least it was for Rowan.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I need to be brave
Love the neckwarmer!
I found by way of Ravelry, that there is a group that meets at the Borders at 55 and 64 in Apex on the first and third Wednesday evenings. Tomorrow is a third Wednesday. I'm trying to gear up my bravery to go. They like yarn, they've got to be nice, right?
Wish you were here
I had lunch with Jo today at your Mexican restaurant. That salsa is excellent. I need to stash a dish in my diaper bag next time we go so I can bring some home with me.
We talked about you and how much we miss you. Jo is excited to learn knitting. She's already tried looking at a book and we all agree how those pictures don't tell you diddly! So once you're home again maybe our knit night will be increased by one more person.
Things to look forward to!
Hope you're having fun with Jenni. Post pictures of your stuff, and that paper mache too. I'm curious about what you've been up to.
No new knitting here, but my headache is finally gone. Mostly. Still having after effects but my eyeball is no longer trying to shoot out of my head. Nice visual, huh? Just call me Mad Eye...
Neck Warmer - Revealed!
It's the perfect bank robbing accessory - keeps your nose, neck and ears warm AND conceals your identity! And it can be made in so many stylish colors...
Here it is tossed casually onto the floor. (Again, will have to figure out a more artsy/flattering way to take pictures of my FOs.)
I am going to make one for Lilli, as soon as I find the right kind of yarn. The yarn I used for mine is very warm, but the fuzzies tend to get in my mouth when I wear it up over my nose. Very soft and warm, though. Then again, it doesn't show off the lovely feather and fan pattern. So, for Lilli's neck warmer - something a little less fuzzy and with better stitch definition. And probably pink (lord help me!)
I'll also have to make it a little smaller.
(Pay no attention to the large hat on her head.)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Can't wait to see the neck warmer.
I'd say more, but my brain is trying to crawl out my eyeholes.
migraines are fantastic.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
De-Luxe is De-lightful!
Just finished knitting the Luxe Neck Warmer. Tried it on and it actually fits! Not that I'm surprised or anything... Can't wait to wear it tomorrow. Too late for pictures tonight. I will get a friend to take a picture of it on me tomorrow (very difficult to take a clear picture of one's own neck.)
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Foiled Again!
I stopped by the yarn shop that I thought I'd gotten my mitten yarn from today. They did not have it! D'oh! What have I done to anger the knitting gods? Why do they not want me to knit a PAIR of mittens? Am I doomed to always knit mateless mittens?
Tomorrow I will check a few other local yarn shops. If I strike out there I guess I'll just HAVE to go to the really cool yarn shop in Lund...
Since I couldn't continue working on my second mitten tonight, I cast on a new project. I have started the Luxe Neck Warmer from the Knit 2 Together book by Tracy Ullman and Mel Clark. I'm not sure if I'm using the right yarn - but when has that ever stopped me? And just to live even further out on the edge, I didn't knit a guage swatch. I have no idea what my guage is. This thing could be huge. Or tiny. Either way, it's fun to knit. If' it's too small, maybe Lilli will wear it (since she won't wear the new scarf she was so excited about me knitting for her.) Lilli has been all about turtle necks recently. And this would be like the turtle neck part of a turtle neck, if that makes any sense.
No pictures at the moment. Should be able to take some and get them posted tomorrow though - Lilli goes back to daycare and Tipton has a playdate! I think it will be the first time I've had time to myself in over two weeks!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
First Mitten, Third Attempt
So yesterday I finished the main part of my first mitten, twice. The first time, I had cut my yarn and pulled it through the stitches and was just about to start on the thumb when I thought "I should make sure it fits." Good thing, it was way too short. So I ripped it out - all the way back down to where I'd set aside stitches for the thumb - didn't want to take any chances dropping a stitch or counting wrong. You know, since I want to make one that matches. Then I started again. I knit four more rounds before I started my decreases. I was just about to cut the yarn to pull through the stitches when I thought "I should make sure it fits this time." Yeah, um, it was still too short. Now, I am following the pattern directions for the Women's size. And it's not like I've got big hands or long fingers or anything... So I started tinking back down to the row before the decreases. Then I realized that it was way, way past my bedtime. I wrote myself a note on the pattern - explicit instructions as to what I needed to do. And I went to bed.
This morning I got up, put on a video for the kiddos and set to work. Managed to get tinked back without dropping any stitches, added a few more rows before the decreases and tried again. Tried it on again (before I cut the yarn) and this time they fit!

According to the pattern (from Little Turtle Knits) I am supposed to start the decreases ten rounds after I set aside the thumb stitches. In the end I knit 17 rounds before starting the decreases. That is a HUGE difference. I'd say that my guage must be way off, but everything else is fine. Of course, saying that I must now confess that the thumb is supposed to be 14 rounds and I stopped after 12 (really getting the hang of this whole 'try it on as you go' thing...)
Here is one side of the mitten:
And a close up - so you can really see the color change:

I love how the colors zig and zag. Very entertaining.
And now I'm going to go cast on the second mitten. I should have enough yarn left to make it through the day (although not to finish the mitten.) Last night, the first time I was ripping back the mitten, I remembered that I got the yarn at the fabric store here in Malmo, so I won't have to go all the way to Lund to get more. This is good in that I can get more tomorrow when I pick Jenni up from the train station. But it is sad because now I do not have a compelling reason to go to the really cool yarn shop in Lund.
The sacrifices I make for my craft.
This is on my other blog, but I don't know if you're checking that one now that we have this, so I wanted to share...
We had car issues over New Years.
John and Rowan went feed the fish and on the way home the car sprang a coolant leak of some sort. You would think that coolant would be unnecessary, even in NC in December, but apparently that isn't so. Picky engine...
Anyway, the options were limited, it being New Years Day and all, and USAA wanted to send a company from Chapel Hill. Why? They're 30 some odd miles away. And since we'd have to pay for it ourselves anyway, I hauled out the trusty yellow pages and we called a local guy.
Lucky for us, he was there, and willing to tow, and even had a garage and could do the repair. So John handed him the key and we all got in the car and went on our merry way home knowing that our Shegeki was in good hands. (Shegeki being the name of the car, which is a Honda. It's named for the previous owner, who went back to Japan, but was well loved by the boys even though they hardly knew him.)
John didn't hear from them the next day, but he was driving the work truck, so we really didn't worry. And they called yesterday saying that we could come pick it up, so all was well.
So... John picked up Rowan from school and they came home in the Big Green Truck so we could all go pick up Shegeki and have our little car back. I looked on google maps to make sure we knew where it was - right up the road! Local!
And then we tried to find the place.

Yep. We drove by it at first. It's in a residential area. I wasn't even sure that all the cars in the front yard were solid as clues. I mean, this is NC after all.

And it is a trailer. And no tow truck to be seen. But there was a high fence in the back, so maybe that's where they hid the garage... or the bodies...
I wasn't sure if we should stick around, because who knew if Festus was in there with a shot gun getting ready to come out and tell us to get offa his proppitay.
John tried calling them, and after a few busy signals got through. He found out that yes we were in the right place, but no one was there because they were out towing someone. Lesson learned, call before you come over. We decided to wait until today to go get Shegeki. Something about this place... after dark... I'm sure you understand.

It was kind of shady, being surrounded by all these cars, some in pieces, behind a tall fence, with a guy who wasn't sure if he could take a check (they normally wanted cash) but made a call to Willy and Willy said it was ok. Thanks Willy.
Sorry for the blurryness of some of these pictures. I was trying to be stealthy. I'm still not sure Festus wasn't lurking around somewhere.

Friday, January 4, 2008
Mittens - A Second Attempt
I cast on a new project last night. Mittens. You'll recall that last January I attempted knitting mittens... I knit six mittens in all - no two the same size.

Six mateless mittens. Three "almost" pairs of mittens. I am hoping NOT to do that again. Here is what I've got so far...
Cast on the women's size (36 stitches) on size 3.5 (US4) needles, working a 2x1 ribbing. The yarn is 100% wool Eskimo Print, color 44. I love this color.

I am hoping to get both mittens completed by Monday.
- Jenn
PS - This wool is kind of bulky - would that work for Jumbo January?
A year long knit along
One of my friends on my soggy granola forum has proposed a year long knit-along. I thought I'd tell you about it in case you want to do some too. I thought it was a good idea to have a project a month, and try to use up some of the stash.
Jumbo January--anything in a bulky yarn
Felting February--anything you want as long as you felt it
Merino March--self explanatory, yes?
Amigurumi April--dive into the world of knitting and crocheting cute little animals
Me, me, me May--you have to make something for yourself!
Jumbuck June--a jumbuck is a sheep, hence something wool
July Journey--journey somewhere new--learn a new stitch, or a whole new technique--get outside your comfort zone and try something you've never done before
Alternative August--bamboo, corn, silk, soy--there's lots of new exciting fibers so give one a try
September Socks--socks, socks, socks
One and only October--make something from only one skein
Novelty November--try your hand at a toy--they're fun, they're weird, they might even be educational!
Dizzy December--round and round and round you go--has to be done in the round
This might prod me into actually finishing the cabled afghan for Mom. It's taking up way too much room in the basket.
the succubutt
I don't really have much to say, but I wanted to put up a little something for you to read when you wake up in the morning. I'm sitting here working on Chelle's pants, and the jogless jog is working wonders. I'm not even minding the travelling color change as much as I thought I might. It's magic.
I am being anal enough to slightly change my short rows so as to keep the integrity of the stripe pattern. Because if there are 4 rows of pink, there has to be 4 rows of orange. And they can't happen where you would have to pick up the other loop to hide the jog if you're purling back. Sometimes anal complicates things, but it makes for a nice knit.
So anyway, I lost my crochet hook in the couch. You know my couch and how it eats things. I found various things in there... the iPod cord, a computer mouse, one of those blue plastic needles, chapstick, a measuring tape. My couch is a hungry hungry beast. If you hear from John and he can't find me, tell him to check under the cushions.
I promise to come back in the morning with some sort of picture for you. It won't happen tonight, because I'll put this computer aside to knit, and then John will seize his opportunity for world of warcraft, and that will be the end of that.
---Just heard from the bathroom: "Stop saying things about butts and poo poo." Yes....
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Lilli's Frickin' Scarf

And here it is artfully arranged on my kitchen floor. (I really need to devise a more sophisticated way of photographing my knitting.)
The stats: 50g Sirdar Snuggle Tiny Tots (acrylic/plyester blend) in the SH945 colorway, knit on size 4.5 (US7) needles. Following Crazy Aunt Purl's Magic Scarf pattern, modified slightly for a 2 1/2 year old's neck (cast on 16, squares are 4 stitches x 5 rows.)

Lilli is a very happy with her new scarf (which hopefully means she will actually WEAR it.) I was really excited about this scarf at first, but after the first day it lost it's appeal and just became something that I had to finish. I wanted to get it done as quickly as possible, so that I could move on to a really great, wonderful, fantastic project that I'd thought of. And of course, now that Lilli's scarf is finished, I cannot remember what it is that I wanted to make. I'm sure I'll remember as soon as I cast on something else...
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
You're asleep now
I'm sitting here, all full of roast because I ate too much of it. I forgot to turn on the crock pot, but that ended up being a good thing because the roast didn't cook as long and was much more tender than the roasts of the past.
I really need to get over that particular part of my upbringing. The cook the meat until it can get out and turn off the appliance for you part. Less time = more tender meat. Unless it's chicken or pork. Can't have any pink there or I get skeered of dread diseases.
Since you haven't posted yet, I'm guessing that you didn't finish "Lilli's frickin' scarf." Or if you did, by the time you were done you were so bleary eyed from knitting and Battlestar Pimpslaptica that you couldn't navigate your way to the posty thing.
No worries. I'm sure you'll arrive here soon.
As for me, I've no picture to post, but am working on a pair of britches for yet another customer. I'm going to be working on the jogless jog and trying to ignore the screaming voices in the back of my mind as the color change gradually walks around the pants.