Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hat Theory

Dear Jenn,

I emailed this to you, but wanted to stick it here so I could find it again.

I have a hat theory...
Are you knitting from a pattern?
hats are always too big if I follow what the pattern says. Don't know why, but they are.
Coronet was the only hat I've ever stuck to the pattern and it fit.
So here's what I do...

Guage = x per inch
Head = y inches

You would think that you just cast on xy right? nope.

y - 3ish inches = z

cast on xz

reason being... knitting stretches and you want a snug fit. So make it too small, on purpose.
If you're using a pattern, figure out the above and use whatever size on the pattern that calls for the stitches near to what you'd cast on.


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